So. I'm a big nerd and I've hijaked Scott's computer to blog...
And he used to nag me about not updating. Hah.
Yesterdays confession was a little too obscene to post online. I'm pretty sure it would get me kicked off of blogspot. But tonight's post (as obscene as it is) is post worthy:
So Zak, when you and Elmer 69, do you use crunchy or smooth peanut butter? Caril
Zak said crunchy... his dog needs his protein. Ugh.
And for the record, Taylor would like to let all you know that she is not a terrible person. Really. She isn't.
One week done, three more to go. Phil was fucking intense tonight and it was awesome but really creepy.
I'm kind of scared of Phil as Charlie. It's the same fear I had of Korinko in Assassins and Zak, well, all the time.
Kidding. I'm gonna get back to the party and eat more of the huge pizza that I brought. It was so big, it couldn't fit in the door.
Oh and Scott, your computer automatically logged you in on blogspot. I totally could have posted something obscene under your name... but I didn't.
Until next week,
Just a quick little update before I get back to some paperwork at work...
Preview tonight!
Our last tech rehearsal went fairly well. Phil somehow found a way to mute his microphone halfway through the show and then "escaped" from his cell and ran up to the booth where Matt fixed him.
And a bottle was not preset. Whoops.
But other than that, it went really smooth and I'd say we're ready to have some audience!
And Taylor's confession for the night:
"Manhandler is a 15 inch dildo with a handle. Looks like a sword. Zak can take it. Caril"
And now that I think about it, every person in the cast has to read this on stage. That's hilarious.
Alright back to work.
We only have one more day until our preview and things are feeling very good. We've added all elements now and the cast has adjusted beautifully. The band sounds fantastic and the music is getting tighter and tighter every night. It's amazing.
I've started to run the board. (No more line notes!) Rock musicals are always so much fun to run. The cues feel different. It's more... and I know I keep saying this about this show... but it feels like there is more emotion behind them. In this show especially, we're going from different locations and the timing with the music - it just looks pretty.
I've started my midnights shifts (Thanks to the coworkers who have switched me so that I was able to do the show) and my body has miraculously gotten used to the night schedule. I have a lot more energy for the show now, which is great. This is probably because I get to sleep as long as I want without waking up with an alarm clock and by the time I get to the theatre I'm all refreshed. I love being nocturnal.
But everything has come together. I've screwed up a couple times during the past couple runs but they're the kind of screw ups that you make once and never make again. And isn't that the point of tech rehearsals? One time, a cue was written to go after Zak's song was over... and when it was executed, the lights changed, leaving Zak in complete darkness to say, "It's time."
Giggling ensued.
This is one crazy cast. Since the beginning, they've tried everything to make each other crack up. The following are confessions (the typed up confession that Merle gives Charlie to have him sign) written by cast members and then given to Phil who has to read it (to himself) during a scene:
"I the undersigned, do admit to flagrant biting of childrens' buttocks. I furthermore did pinch the taints of a passing circus performer and his monkey, Ruprecht. While eating a penis-shaped cake on a roller coaster. And I raped a dog, but she wanted it so bad. C. Starkweather"
"I, the undersigned, totally love George Michael. I am gay for his hairy, British nads. Also, I love Judge Judy. She is the woman I wish I could be. I want a black robe with a doily around the collar. Sincerely gaily, Chuck"
Now, those are just the rehearsal confessions. Unfortunately for the run, we've typed up a fake confession for Charlie to look at every night. And it's nothing obscene or funny... Well, it might be. Scott typed it up.
And then every night, Caril has to write her confession. With her permission, I get to post these as well:
"Dear Merle, Gertrude told me she fakes it every time. Ouch. Caril"
"When I was small, I thought condoms were made out of tire rubber. Think about it. Caril"
"Did you see when I fell backwards into my cot? I feel drunk. That is all. Caril"
"Lipstick is red, it comes in a tube, Gertrude pegs Merle, without any lube, cuz we lesbians! Caril" (Although, I think it originally said "me" and not Merle)
God, I love this cast. Stay tuned for more.
And seriously. Come see this show.
Photo from Here
We only have a couple weeks left and the show is really starting to take shape. Mike has started to join us, playing along with Scott. The keyboard, even with the guitar patch, still sounds like a keyboard... To me, at least.
Mike and I were talking about the difference of the two instruments. The keyboard is so final... It's beautiful but you hit the key and then hit another key. The guitar is a much more flowing instrument. You strum. It's very emotional.
I'm not sure how else to explain it. I feel so scattered right now. Lot's of stuff going on.
I'm trying to get props together. I need to do this soon but lately I feel like I haven't had a minute to think.
I've started the first wave of line notes. The actors took them and corrected a majority of them. I can't tell if I hate line notes or love them. Maybe it's more of a love hate thing...
Anyway, I have to get going. This post wasn't as long or as profound as I wanted it to be. Ah, well. Maybe next time.
We've started to run the show in full now. Blocking is all done. The show is done in one act with no intermission so rehearsals have been moving pretty quickly.
One thing I have noticed with the smaller cast is that they often forget some of their blocking... Not a big deal (yet). And I think it's because there are only four of them and rarely is there a scene with all four of them. I think when you have a bigger cast, the actors are able to play off each other more, it's easier to remember what to do.
The blocking for this show is so intimate and although Scott has set specific blocking in some places, a lot of it is constantly changing as the actors tweak themselves and get a better understanding of everything going on around them.
This cast is doing amazing with lines. I'm not sure if it's the style or structure of the script or maybe that they are working their asses off when they aren't at rehearsals but their dedication is really showing.
Maybe it's just that they are all working so hard to get it memorized so that they can start to dive deeper into the scripts emotions. A difficult journey they all have started on. I already know this is going to be one powerful show.
I'm just speculating... I'm the stage manager. I've been observing. :0)
I haven't touched the props list yet. All I've done is think about them; maybe a little research online.
I had to update since Scott sent me a not-so-subliminal, friendly, message asking how I was but had worked in the word "blog" between every sentence. It was hilarious.
And so, I have updated. More later!
Photo from here
So, we've begun blocking. And damn does this script hold a lot more than I thought it did! With every scene, Scott's able to lay down some blocking and because there are so few actors - we don't really have to spend much time giving them their blocking. Things are moving really quickly and this gives them lots and lots of time to really dissect the scene.
It's an amazing process to watch. And it's so cool to discover things that you didn't know were there.
Anyway, we're continuing blocking this week. I'm starting to think about props. There aren't that many for this show but some of them are going to require a bit of homework.
That's all I got for now. Promise I'll post more later.
Back to work I go.
Photo from Here
So, I promised that I would update more often. And I'm thinking I need to stick to that promise seeing that Scott and I are the only people blogging for this awesome, new show...
I'm super excited to be working on a new piece of theatre. It isn't often when something like this falls into your lap.
Scott gave me a copy of the recording nearly a year ago. I took it home and fell in love with it. This is the type of music I listen to daily. The songs all take on different styles and continued to amaze me. The guitar is such a powerful, emotional instrument.
I'm excited for several different reasons. First of all, I do not know anything about Charlie and Caril and their story. All I know is what I gathered from the script. I want to learn more about this duo. This show plays with the idea of why they did it. It creates a back story for this horrible event in history. I want to know more.
Five days a week, I work in a police department and I watch the security cameras for the cells. The environment where the majority of this show takes place is a very real thing for me. I have never been to prison but I deal with prisoners on a daily basis. I know how cold it is back there, how bored they get, how being in this small room makes some people flip out. Just last week, one guy climbed to the top of his bunk and started to kick the ceiling. When I asked him what his problem was over the intercom, he responded with, "I need a bible!"
After being with a show for such a long time, I begin to deeply analyze the characters. I did this with the kids in Spelling Bee and I think that I will start to do this with Charlie and Caril's relationship. There's a lot to be understood. Why did they do it? Was he in control? Why did she stay? Was it love?
I'm also very excited to be working with such a small cast. Allison is amazing on stage, so sincere and genuine. I cannot wait to see Zak in a serious role. I thought Phil was amazing in Forbidden Planet and I'm excited to work with him... And I think Taylor may have taught me a tap lesson or two when she was filling in for Robin... back when I could fit things like that into my schedule.
An excellent cast... Can't wait to see them in action.
And even though I am going to truly miss Petersen, our conductor/keyboardist, I'm excited for this small trio (Mike, Dave, and Schurk). Mike will have to step into Petersen's shoes and become involved in the show much earlier than he has in the past and I think that it's going to be a very good thing for him.
Well, that's all I have for now. I'm so freaking tired and ready to go home (I'm at work and it is Q _ _ _ T. (I don't dare say the word in fear of waking up the city)
Oops! I still have to enter a towed vehicle... Back to work I go.
Goodnight, everybody!
photo from here
My lack of posting is due to a couple of things. I'm now working days and off midnights. I feel like I'm a much more normal person now, going to sleep at night and waking up in the morning... but what is normal, anyway?
I've had a lot of personal stuff happen within the last couple weeks and it's been hell trying to trudge through them and be in a workable mood. I have a lot of people to thank that have been there for me. You know who you are.
Anyway, I'm picking up our trophy when I get off of work and (unfortunately) Sam's Club closes at 6pm on Sundays. So, I'm going to hit that tomorrow before rehearsals and pick up our edible props. Tonight, I think I'll just chill out and get high off of the sharpie that I'm using to make the kids' number placards. Have to finish those, get together some last minute props at home, and get some sleep because I have to get up at 5:30am all week through hell week.
The show is really coming together. Yesterday, Ken hit a new New Line record by completing cue to cue in only two and a half (maybe three) hours. That's skill. The actors were very, very, happy when they learned that they wouldn't have to be there until nine at night. And I felt like I showed up just to drop off some cables and to eat Vicki's lunch...
Right now, everybody is at sitzprobe and I'm sitting here at work blogging cuz there's really no reason for me to be at sitzprobe anyway. I hope they're doing good. Sitzprobe can be one of the most frustrating times for everybody. I hope it's going well.
I'll leave you with another clip from the 2007 Scripps National Spelling Bee... This kid's facial expression is priceless.
So I'm starting to realize how hard it is to keep a blog while working a full time job.
I've been going non-stop these past few weeks. I've been working the midnight shift (this will change to day shift when we get closer to the show) and I get off at 7am. I go to sleep around 8 or 9 and wake up around 4 to take a shower. If I'm good, I leave my (north county) house around 5pm... giving me an hour to get to rehearsal. Since the city is pretty much isolated due to the closure of Hwy 40 and the Big Bend bridge out of commission... my only two options are going 270 to 44 or taking 70 through downtown to 44.
Much to my surprise, the 70 trip takes less time. Highway 270 is a BITCH during rush hour.
Anyway, I get to rehearsal and we've been doing pretty good with time. We get a ton of work done, still being able to stop and laugh at ourselves a couple times each night, and we've been getting out around 9-9:30.
I have more than enough time to get to work, but not enough time to go all the way back home. So, I usually stop and get something to eat and arrive at work a good thirty minutes early... which my coworkers love. I get off at 7am and start all over again.
Mike and I are living at my mom's place and saving for a house. I realize now that I really would like to find a place in the city... or close to it. I miss being so close to everything. It really puts me in a terrible mood when it takes me fifteen minutes to get to a damn highway.
And in an even more terrible and pissy mood when I have to make a loop of the St. Louis area in ninety degree temperatures in a car with NO AIR CONDITIONING.
I totally yelled at my Dad because I left him my car for two days and still no air conditioning. God, and I yelled at him on Father's Day. I'm such a terrible, pissy, daughter.
I think the only people subjected to my abuse have been my family. I haven't smacked anyone at rehearsal. I haven't had any need to (ha, ha) and St. Marks has A/C. :0)
But rehearsals are going very well. We are almost done blocking. I've put together a props list and I've started to gather some things. There are a lot of things I need to get done soon... like the cards for Rona and Panch, the kids' placards...
I've emailed a guy about a trophy. We may get a free trophy. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
I've been able to take a couple rehearsal photos (and some videos but I'm not sure if the cast would want me to post that...). If I can ever find my USB cord for my camera, I'll be able to do some uploadin'.
One of my duties during rehearsal has been to be all three guest spellers. I can spell if I can see the word. So, my technique has been to take my pencil and write the word out on my hand. Sometimes it works... sometimes it doesn't. I get pissed when I miss "easy" words; although I haven't missed the easy, easy words... I can't explain in any more detail because I don't want to give anything away. But for anyone wanting to be an audience member, don't be embarrassed. It's rigged. Totally rigged. There is absolutely no way you are going to take home the trophy. So don't even think about it.
Hey, at least you'll get some free juice.
It is an awesome experience to get up there and be apart of the Bee. So I do encourage everyone to try to be a "guest speller."
Alright. I have updated. I'll leave you with another clip. After watching this, I kind of wanted to punch this kid in his face... I wonder what he'll be like when he's thirty.
Incredibly lame title. I apologize. But, hey! It's 9:30am and four days away from our first Spelling Bee rehearsal! And I wanted to revamp my blog before I go to bed... (I may be working midnights and on a screwy sleep schedule but I'm happier than ever because I'm BACK!)
I wanted to blog more about Forbidden Planet and I still might. But I wanted to get this blog up and running again.
More later! I'll leave you with a wonderful clip found on Youtube.
As you can tell by my lack of blog, I was unable to be at rehearsals due to my new job. I still had a little hope that maybe, just maybe, there would be some chance of my schedule working out. However, when I took home my schedule I examined and analyzed...
There was absolutely no way of me making rehearsals and running the show.
First of all, they had put me on evenings where I work 3pm - 11pm. Secondly, I was in "training" where I would have a trainer on my shoulder. Thirdly, I knew I wouldn't be able to start taking off right when I started.
So, I called Scott that night... quite upset.
And I became restless. I revamped my training binder for work, I began making a wedding "prompt book" (starting to plan for the wedding)... All because I didn't have a Forbidden Planet prompt book to work on.
And then there was the day at work when the city hall people were trying to hang this enormous metal sculpture from the ceiling. They had a lift and some ladders out and were hanging out in the city hall lobby for a really long time and I, of course, was watching them on the camera (we've got a neat camera system), while my coworkers started a left brained conversation about how much the sculpture cost the city. As a result, I ended up going home really, really sad from watching them and feeling like I belonged over there hanging up art and not stuck in a room answering phones and dispatching police units.
And I knew that this day would come sooner or later. One day I'd have to grow up and get a job that I could depend on. I wish I could do theatre for a living but it's just not possible. I need the money and I do believe that I'm good at what I do. And the adrenaline rush is there... sometimes.
But fortunately, I found a co-techie of mine from high school to run the show. In all honesty, I haven't kept in touch with anyone from high school but I sent out a facebook message to everyone I knew was a techie. I have faith that she'll do a good job and run the show smoothly.
Looking forward, I am able to stage manage and run Spelling Bee because I'll be on day shift. I'll be one cranky mother fucker from getting up everyday at 5:30am but maybe I can take some naps in the booth... before the show.
Well, that's about it. Vicki, Mike, and I went prop shopping yesterday. Well, I drug Mike with me to drive because I had a horrible headache (probably from the fresh air... ha). And we have almost all of four items needed. Yes, four items. Now is the time that I appreciate Scott's minimal prop use.
I'm going to go create a big wrench and be happy today. :0)
Photo from
Hi everybody,
I am back and hoping to keep you updated with the tech stuff for Return to the Forbidden Planet or RTTFP. A lot has happened since my last post. Hair has ended, Mike and I moved out of the city, we casted the show, we had a production meeting, I got a new job, we met the cast, and I learned that when you google my name... you can find this blog. It's pretty easy and my new employers found it... and they were probably entertained (hopefully). Well, they hired me despite my quirkiness. I guess that's a good thing.
Sitting here, typing out thoughts, I rarely think about who can actually see this blog. I just write and don't usually write for a specific audience. Reading this blog is very much like sitting in front of me, listening to me talk. I guess now, I'm much more aware that anyone can read this. Anyone who googles me will read this. So, hello to all those old friends, people wanting to know more about me, ex-boyfriends, whoever...
You are now reading my New Line Blog. About a theatre company. Here in St. Louis.
I first heard Scott mention RTTFP during Assassins last spring. While loading all those guns, a couple of us would sit and chat before the show. He started talking about this show that combined the 50's movie, Shakespeare's The Tempest, and Rock and Roll music. Initially, I thought it sounded like a mess... Like three things that should not be mixed. I found a copy of it, read it, and was truly shocked. It is absolutely amazing how well this show works.
I'm not a big fan of Shakespeare but the fakespeare that they use is refreshingly funny and pokes fun at the language. And that's awesome for all those Non-Shakespeare fans... because it's usually the moldy, fermented language that we can't stand. (...I'm sorry.)
And listening to the cast album, I feel like this show is going to hold the same type of energy as Grease did. Grease was a nonstop, fast-paced, high energy show. I felt like I was reliving high school prom each night. It was a fucking party. I think that RTTFP is going to be similar but have Sci/Fi magic instead of high school drama.
Which is going to be awesome.
I will be back at rehearsals, ironically the same week I start my new job. I'm fairly confident that I will be able to make all the rehearsals... but only time will tell if I actually get to run the show. If not, I have a couple people up my sleeve - all worthy of taking over during my unwanted time of absence. Although, not being there during the performances will sadden me.
A lot.
Stay tuned for more!
Photo from Here